Lead your followers to support your idea.

Welcome to Tippycall. We are a community of geeks, influencers and supporters who believe in making a positive impact on the world. Our website provides a platform for you to donate to various causes and help change lives or to support your favorite star.
You can donate via phone call, and our team is always available to assist you. Join us in our mission to make a difference today!

How does it work?

Our donation process is simple and secure. All you need to do is call the number on our website and follow the prompts. It takes 3 minutes to fully set up your donation system.

  • Open an account (30 seconds)

  • Check your email and validate your account (30 seconds)

  • Go to audio settings and record or upload your voice message. This will be the message that your followers will listen while calling the donation number (90 seconds)

  • Request a number (30 seconds)

Get Involved:

You can get involved in our mission in various ways. You can donate via phone call, spread the word on social media, or even become an influencer partner. By joining us, you can use your platform to make a positive impact and inspire others to do the same. Together, we can create a better future for everyone.


We support a range of causes, including education, health, environment, animal welfare, and more.

Each cause is carefully selected based on its impact, urgency, and relevance.

You can choose the cause that resonates with you the most and donate via phone call. Every donation counts and makes a difference in someone's life.

Check Your influencer to see the cause that he is supporting.

Partner with us:

If you are an influencer looking to make a difference, we invite you to partner with us. We believe that together, we can create a powerful force for good and inspire others to give. Contact us to learn more about how you can get involved.

Try it now